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We know basic trigonometric functions are sinx, cosx, tanx.
These functions are periodic functions.( The period is the shortest interval over which the function runs through one complete cycle of its graph.)
Sinx and cos x are periodic functions with period 2π.
But tan and cot remain unchanged when x is increased by pi.So, they are periodic functions with period π.


See the graph of sinx . We know its range is [-1, 1].

It is clear from the graph that its amplitude is 1

When we draw the graph of 2 sin x, we can see that its range is [-2, 2]
The multiplication factor 2 has “stretched'' the graph of sinx vertically by a factor of 2, while retaining the same x-intercepts.

This vertical scaling factor is known as the amplitude of the function.

The amplitude of the sine and cosine functions is half the vertical distance between its minimum value and its maximum value.

For a function A sin x, its y values range from –A to +A
So amplitude is 1/2 of [A-(-A) ]=A

The vertical shifts do alter the greatest and least values that the function attains but do not alter the amplitude.

We can verify this by taking the examples 2sin x and 2sinx+3 For 2sinx,the minimum and maximum values are -2 and 2 .

Amplitude is ½ . 2-(-2)=2
For 2sinx +3, minimum and maximum values are 1 and 5 .

Amplitude is ½ (5-1)=2

In general , the amplitude of

y = A sinB(x - C) + D and
y = A cosB(x - C) + D ,where B is a non-zero real number, is

The tangent function has no amplitude, because the tangent function has no minimum or maximum value.its range is (-infinity, infinity)

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    Thank you for the information..m:)

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